Plan Your Visit
KIDSLIFE - Jeanette Baylor-Nard
KidsLife is our children ministry ages 3-12 where children can have a “great big life with a great big God.” A place where faith, imagination, learning, and loving God is cool and kids rule! Children ages 3-12.
TEENSLIFE - Michael & Shuwanika Joiner
TeensLife is a Junior and Senior High School ages 10-18 Leadership Program to provide student ministry experience, as well as developing them into high impact leaders in multiple facets of ministry. TeensLife is high voltage!
YoungAdultLifeLife is our young adults & college ministry ages 19-30 that reaches college students connecting them with the presence of God!
WOMENSLIFE - First Lady Kimberly S. Nard
WomensLife help women discover themselves & bond in panel discussions and relevant teaching from a woman’s perspective. Women gather with opportunities to connect with other women.
MENSLIFE - Pastor Tommy W. Nard, Sr.
MensLife is a life-impacting ministry for men, focusing on the transformation of their hearts, resulting in living the victorious lives of Godly men and becoming disciples for Christ.
MARRIEDLIFE SOCIAL - Shelly & Linda Williams
MarriedLife Socials help fireproof your passion for marriage. Join other couples for a night of laughter, small groups, field trips, creative videos and a practical message that will help you have a healthier and more successful marriage.