Plan Your Visit
FLC Reconvene Service Implementation Plan
Our Plan of Action:
There will be one service in the main sanctuary as we live stream at 10:00 AM. Members that aren't comfortable in attending are encouraged to stay at home and watch the live stream with no condemnation. (absolutely no one is made to feel uncomfortable based upon their conviction on when to return. Some members have underlining medical conditions that could put them in harms way. We are encouraging members with these conditions to stay safe and return when they are comfortable)
Mask Up Promotion
Due to COVID-19 and Delta Variant everyone is asked to wear a mask even if the member or visitor has been vaccinated.
Due to the intensity of the logistics on all aspects we have rethought our operations for safety and sanitation. Excellence Team (Helps) Ministry leaders has been trained on new sanitation procedures.
1. Staff walk through of all aspects of service (Offering, seating, entrance, hand sanitizer location, designating entrances, offering processes.
2. Building cleaning process before, during and after service and restrooms cleaned before and after each Sunday service.
3. The front door is the designated entrance to enter the building.
4. Praise Team, Volunteers and Excellence team leaders will have temperature check-in prior to service. If fever is detected praise team, volunteers and excellence teams leaders will not be able to serve.
5. All microphones will be sterilized before and after each service. There is no praise team sharing of microphones which includes the pastor and first lady microphones.
6. Designated signs to remind people of washing hands.
Actual Service
1. Upon reentry of the building all membership & visitors temperature will be checked to secure the safety of other attendees. No one will be able to attend worship if fever is detected.
2. The length of worship will be taken into consideration.
3. Maintain online audience with intentional engagement.
4. No children or teen separate services until further notice.
5. There are not to be any hugging, hi fives and touching other family life members during worship.
6. Offering will continue to be done online and those who need envelopes special accommodations will be made. Envelopes are placed in the seat back pouch to access during the appeal. Envelopes are then past to the end of your seat row with left or right for greeter to retrieve.
Pre-Service Experience
We want to encourage members to arrive early for proper seating and temperature checks so we will have a full pre-service experience.
Mask will be available for membership or visitor if they don’t bring one. This will be given for free. Gloves are also free but available upon request.
Important Information
Click link for "very special" letter from Pastor: (reentry-reconvene fellowship letter)