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Dear Family Life, the financial and economic strength of our church is never totally measured by the cash reserves, but by the willingness of our members to support the Kingdom’s VISIONS. 


Our church has demonstrated that we have both the willingness & the resolve to pool our assets to accomplish the plan of God for our generation when we raised $60,000 in nine days to purchase our now existing facility, $33,000 to complete the multi-purpose facility with no mortgage, $50,000 to complete the sanctuary renovations after the flood, and in three and a half years we will burn the mortgage to start the process to build again. 


Over the course of ministry, we have given in excess of $175,000 above our tithes and regular offerings to build community! God has demonstrated to us that when we make the effort, He remains committed to kingdom givers at all times and for those who will make His desire important to them He will make their desires important to Him to “stretch” our capacity. 


Sunday is our final giving campaign ABOVE your tithes and offerings for the year. On Sunday, November 10th our “I LOVE MY CHURCH SUNDAY” goal is to Glorify God with our BEST SEED. The opportunity to give and to sow into good ground should never be taken lightly. 


* 3 Members Giving $1,000

* 5 Members Giving $500

* 10 Members Giving $300

* 20 Members Giving $100

* or your best love gift

Kimberly and I credit so much in my life and ministry to God honoring our obedience and faithfulness in giving over the years. We have learned that consistent obedience is the key to God choosing to trust you with more, in order that you may handle more and more kingdom assets.


“Not Equal Gifts, But Equal Sacrifice” is the value we place on I LOVE MY CHURCH SUNDAY should exceed our determination in giving and you have my word, no one will feel embarrassed sowing their seed. 


This is my promise; every gift will be taken into consideration to SUPPORT MINISTRY NEEDS! Your commitment of faith becomes the gateway to the fulfillment of our VISION. Your attendance is vital, and I trust that you will join Kimberly and I as we commit to make investments in this generation that glorify God.





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